Who needs writing help? You do!

My clients are high-performing professionals who have a great story to tell and are ready to bring their book to fruition. Allowing me to write their book gives them the space to focus on their other ventures and responsibilities.

Working with a ghostwriter is a brilliant way to maximize your influence and expertise with minimal time investment.

  • A busy CEO or entrepreneur might have a great idea but not enough time to complete the project.
  • Many people have disabilities, illnesses, or circumstances that prevent them from being able to write. One client lost both arms in an accident, making typing with prosthetics nearly impossible. Another client was undergoing cancer treatments and didn’t have the energy to write from his hospital bed.
  • Those who have dyslexia, OCD, ADD, or ADHD are often unable to write in a time-effective manner and benefit from having someone else write the material from interviews.

Why spend all your time and energy researching, writing, agonizing, and editing, when I can do the work for you? With nearly twenty-five years of experience, I have the savvy needed to dig into your story, uncover new insights, and connect the dots of a lifetime, resulting in a book readers can’t put down.

If working with me sounds like fun—and it is!—then email me now for a free consultation. Don’t wait. My schedule can fill up quickly.

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Need writing services? I can help.

Ghostwriting and Collaboration

My process is straightforward and formulaic. I’ll ask for a summary of the story and an outline (if you have one). If you’ve started on the project already, I’m able to review your writing and see what still needs to be done. If you have a great idea but no outline, we’ll work to create an outline of the material.

I’ll ask who your audience is, along with which messages, stories, and lessons you want to share and how you want the reader to feel (and if there’s any action to be taken) upon finishing the book. This will help me better understand the overall scope.

Once we have a solid outline, we begin a series of conversations by phone, zoom, or in person. I record and transcribe them. Interviews for a book, depending on the size, can take anywhere from 20 to 50 hours to complete, depending on the complexity of the topics.

Think of the interviews as less like a formal presentation and more like a casual conversation where I ask open-ended questions that allow you to tell me the stories, memories, and the importance behind each outline point, asking for more details and further clarification as we go.

After the initial interview phase, I’ll compile a rough first draft of all the material, organized by the outline points. I then conduct a deeper review of the material, creating a list of additional questions to help add crucial details to pivotal scenes. An additional conversation will be scheduled to talk through these points.

Once I have all the material, I craft your book, shaping the content to be emotionally compelling and informative, relying on your voice and expertise to guide me. When the draft is completed, I will send it to you for review. Using Track Changes, you can modify any of the content to your liking.

There are often 2 or 3 rounds of editing and revising before we have a solid manuscript ready for a beta read and copyediting. Most books can be completed within 7 to 10 months.

Writing assistance is an investment in yourself and your story. Rates can vary depending on the project timeline and the word count. Please contact me for a quote.

Book Proposals

If you want to submit your book to agents in hopes of a traditional book deal, you’ll need a book proposal.

The proposal contains one or two of the strongest and most compelling chapters as samples of writing and often a portion of the Introduction, along with your bio and platform details, including social media reach, possible endorsements, and how your book is unique to the market. It also includes a query letter and a curated list of genre-specific agents.

Note: If you want to self-publish, you don’t need a book proposal. If you choose a custom publisher, they may ask for a short proposal or an overview and a sample of writing.

Price: Book proposals are $32,000 and are completed in 4 months.

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